Holistic Psychotherapy/Hypnotherapy

Our true nature is love but we have forgotten who we are. There are many paths and tools for removing the blockages to love's awareness. What used to take years of therapy may now be possible to resolve in only a few sessions for many issues.
There are revolutionary methods for rapidly clearing unconscious limiting beliefs, cellular memories, repeating patterns, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, and more.
Susan works intuitively and compassionately to integrate many modalities of treatment according to your needs including the Emotional Freedom Technique™ (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Holographic Memory Resolution® (HMR), WHEE/TWR (Transformative Wholistic Reintegration), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Hypnotherapy, and Imago Relationship Therapy.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique™
A technique that has been referred to as “acupuncture for the emotions” but without the needles. The client taps on their body’s meridian points while repeating certain affirming statements, which can rapidly resolve unproductive emotions, beliefs, behaviors and blockages in the energy field. This is a very useful tool that can be learned and used anytime it is needed.HMR® - Holographic Memory Resolution (Developed by Brent Baum, CADS)
This is a body-mind therapy, an “emotional rescripting” technique, that allows quick access to past memories and complete resolution of the associated painful emotions or physical discomfort. This non-traumatizing approach can resolve frozen feelings trapped in the unconscious and physical body. After completing the process, the individual will experience the resolved memory without triggering the original painful feelings. This opens a natural path toward forgiveness while integrating and learning the spiritual lessons inherent in trauma.EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
A process that resolves anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress symptoms, traumas, and other issues through the use of bilateral eye, hand or audio movements while recalling memories that need to be resolved or reprocessed.WHEE Method - recently renamed TWR (Transformative Wholistic Reintegration)
WHEE (Wholistic Hybrid of EMDR and EFT) is a method created by Dr. Daniel Benor to relieve stress, pain, and sabotaging beliefs, emotions and behaviors. It is a user-friendly tool easily learned that involves tapping alternately on both sides of the body while stating a specific affirmation. You shift from the fight/flight/freeze part of the brain to a whole brain response of peace and calm.Soul Visioning™ (Developed by Susan Wisehart)
The 7-step process combines the best of hypnotherapy, Energy Psychology and Soul work to remove the blocks and limiting beliefs that sabotage your Soul/life purpose. This includes a powerful guided journey with higher Soul wisdom to envision and create your ideal future in your work, relationships, health, finances and spirituality. Our true nature is love but we have forgotten who we are.Internal Family Systems / Parts Therapy
This process was developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz and involves dialoguing from your compassionate Higher Self with your defensive parts. For example: the judge and critic, the perfectionist, the controller/manager, and the inner child parts. The defensive parts are then able to step back and allow the Higher Self to lead.Inner Child Work
A nurturing and compassionate approach to retrieving any "child parts" stuck in the past. You learn how to reparent your inner child and to re-script old childhood messages and memories.Dream Interpretation
Susan teaches a 5-step method of dream interpretation, dream incubation for problem solving and creativity, and a more advanced state of lucid dreaming, with further explorations available.Hypnotherapy

May be used for stress management, preparation for surgery, weight loss, smoking cessation, self-esteem enhancement, re-scripting life scripts, and self-hypnosis.
Imago Relationship Therapy
Harville Hendrix, author of “Getting the Love You Want” and “Keeping the Love You Find,” developed this therapy that teaches effective communication skills, anger management, and conflict resolution. These skills lead to a feeling of safety, being heard, mutual understanding, and empathy.From Susan’s perspective relationships are a path to spiritual awakening and viewed from the Soul. Some important questions to ask: What is the purpose of the relationship? What joint lessons are being learned? What unfinished business from past lives and this life may be influencing the relationship?
Session Cost & Additional Details
Fee for Holistic Psychotherapy session - $120/hour. 48 hours notice is required for cancellations.Most sessions can be done in person or via Zoom. (PLR and LBL are only done in person.)