Soul Visioning Process
Have you ever said "I have done all of the positive affirmations, positive thinking and visualizations but I am stuck". This process is intended to go beyond the laws of attraction and manifestation making it possible to identify the major obstacles to creating your ideal future. It is not enough to "raise your vibrations" without addressing the unconscious mind that holds the limiting beliefs, repeating patterns and cellular memories from this life and past lives. (95% of our mind is unconscious and only 5% of our mind is conscious.) The Soul Visioning™ guided process is designed to help you to envision your ideal future from higher Soul guidance and provide tools for resolving the limiting core beliefs that sabotage the fulfillment of your life purpose.
Soul Visioning™ is a 7 step process, based on Susan's book “Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future”, that allows you to envision and create with the guidance of your Soul, your ideal future in the areas of work, career, relationships, finances, health and spirituality. These processes combine the best of hypnotherapy, Energy Psychology methods, and Soul work devised to clear the blocks and limiting beliefs that sabotage your Soul/life purpose.
The process involves being guided into a deeply relaxed state where you meet with your ideal future self (the part of you that is soulful, wise, compassionate, empowered, light-hearted and connected to the Divine.) From that Soul guided perspective you can envision/live a deeply fulfilled and purposeful life. The unconscious resistances to the Soul’s expression of that life can be cleared using powerful leading edge processes.
Using breakthrough methods such as hypnotherapy, Energy Psychology (acupuncture for the emotions without the needles), guided journeys, and forgiveness practices, you are assisted to clear the unconscious beliefs/limitations that can block the awareness of your true spiritual identity and life purpose. You are also taught tools that can help sustain your Soul’s vision for your life.