Workshops & Events

Future, Past Life and Spirit Realm Journeys

with Susan Wisehart, MS, LMFT, CHt

Sponsored by Infinity Foundation

May 18th, 2025

12:30-3:30 PM CDT

Workshop In-person at Infinity Foundation and on Zoom; replay recording available

Workshop Description:

Journeys are powerful experiences that deepen the understanding of your life purpose, talents, and soul lessons. Many people have discovered and healed the root cause of difficult mental, emotional, physical, and relationship patterns that you have carried over into this lifetime.

Gain a better understanding of your unique Soul’s evolution. Take guided group journeys to meet your future lives, past lives, spirit guides, loved ones, and your Soul Self in the spirit realm. Deepen your spiritual connection for inspiration and guidance.

Experience three separate guided journeys: 

1. Experience a future life progression going out 100, 500, 1000 years into the future. Future lives can actually transform you in the present. They are fluid and flexible, so the choices you make now can determine the quality of your life when you return.

2. Take a guided group journey to meet your spirit guides, loved ones, and your Soul Self in the spirit realm. Deep in your connection with your spiritual helpers for inspiration and guidance.

3. Experience a guided hypnotic group past life regression to discover more about patterns you’ve carried into this lifetime.

These journeys connect you with the joy of your immortal soul and you gain the appreciation that you are not alone.  

Sunday, May 18, 2025 12:30 PM-3:30 PM CDT

Hybrid: In-person at Infinity and on Zoom

Infinity Foundation: 1280 Old Skokie Road, Highland Park, IL 60035

It will be recorded and available for 14 days.

Fee: $55/$45 - 10 days in advance

Infinity Foundation registration here:

or call 847.831.8828

Past Life Regression Training for Licensed Mental Health Professionals

with Susan Wisehart, MS, LMFT, CHt

Workshop Description:

There is an explosive interest in regression therapy and spiritual psychotherapy. Expand the scope of your practice to provide your clients with additional support.  Past life regression therapy is often useful when conventional therapy, which emphasizes experiences in this life, does not work. Sometimes the root of the problem or issue is in a past life. As the soul returns to life, traumatic memories are re-created in your current life often making little sense. It is brought to your conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, nightmares, and unexplainable physical pain.

Past life hypnotic regression allows you to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life to bring about a healing of the past life memories that resonate into your present life.

Through regression techniques, new insights and healing around these unresolved symptoms may be accomplished. Whether one sees past lives as real or as metaphorical, profound transformation can occur in mind, body, and spirit.

What the training includes:

The training includes a manual, lecture, demonstrations, and practice in conducting spiritual regressions, philosophy and ethics, informed consent, and legal considerations. Find out how to screen or interview the client to determine appropriate issue(s) for the regression. Practice hypnotic inductions as well as deepening and bridging methods. Review a past life for significant events, people, and themes. Work through a past life death experience. Connect with spiritual resources and the Higher Self to guide healing.

  1. Use Healing interventions, such as rescripting, reframing, forgiveness, dialoguing, and future pacing.

  2. Explore past life lessons and missions.

  3. Integrate past life experiences with current situations.

  4. Practice sessions to facilitate and receive past life regressions.

The training is limited to licensed/certified mental health professionals, such as social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, or pastoral counselors. A certificate of completion will be given at the end of the training. Recommended reading: Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future by Susan Wisehart.

Friday, Aug 8, 2025; 1:30 PM-4:30 PM CDT

Saturday, Aug 9, 2025; 9:30 AM-4:30 PM CDT

Sunday, Aug 10, 2025; 9:30 AM-4:30 PM CDT

Location: Midlothian Office Building #6 25671Hillcrest Ct. Mundelein, IL 60060

14 CEUs available

Cost $499

($200 Paid deposit will hold your space.)

Training in-person only.

Limited to 4 people

(Training fills quickly so sign up early)

Contact Susan Here

or go to “contact” on this website


Healing Karmic Patterns Using Astrology and Past Life Regression

WORKSHOP ON ZOOM with Dave Birr and Susan Wisehart, M.S., LMFT, CHt

Sponsored by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Holistic Center

Workshop Description:

We are collectively experiencing the energy of an astrological Pluto return in the United States which is a symbolic period of death, rebirth, and profound transformation. This provides us with a tremendous opportunity to heal unconscious past life karma. A useful way to think about karma is as unconscious beliefs, feelings, memories, and impulses carried over from past incarnations. Recalling karmic memories is like reading the book of our own mind which contains a record of both our soul growth successes and our errors. The more conscious and aware we are of past life patterns the more we can cultivate qualities that create balance, wholeness, and healing.

Dave will explain the significance of the north and south nodes of the moon in your astrology chart. The north node represents qualities you need to develop and experience in this lifetime. In past lives the south node represents the qualities you have overdeveloped in an unbalanced way. 

In addition, Dave will explain how your Saturn sign shows your unconscious sense of separation from your soul and motivates different compensating karmic patterns.

Susan will facilitate a group guided past life regression to assist you in learning about karmic patterns, relationships, or talents you carried into this lifetime. 

Webinar participants will need to submit their birthdates when they register so we can identify which signs your moon's nodes and Saturn fall in. You will be provided a handout which explains the meanings of different sign positions. Dave will share your personal sign positions that reveal your karmic lessons during the webinar.

In this workshop you will:

• Identify personal astrological karmic patterns that you need to heal and specific qualities that will help you heal them.

• Experience a group past life regression to gain insight into spiritual growth lessons you are learning in this incarnation.

• Learn how to use the spiritual law of grace to heal karma.

Details and Registration:


Online on Zoom

Cost $56

Register HERE

or call 847.299.6535

Sunday, October 20, 2024 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm CDT

Online on Zoom

Please note: upon registration, your name and birthdate must be submitted.

Scroll down for details and to register.

Your Role in America’s Spiritual Destiny: An Astrological View

Sponsored by Theosophical Society on Zoom

Dave Birr and Susan Wisehart, MS, LMFT, CHt

Saturday, August 17, 2024 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Scroll down to register

Workshop Description:

America has an important spiritual destiny as a world leader in the Aquarian Age. During this workshop, we will explore the spiritual ideals on which the United States was founded. We will also look at major planetary factors in the astrology chart of the U.S. and the spiritual challenges and opportunities that they present to us all. We have entered a time of testing when we will have to face and heal our national karmic lessons. Discover what your role as a spiritual citizen is in the healing of America and the fulfillment of our national spiritual destiny in the age of Aquarius.

During this workshop participants will:

  • Participants will learn about current astrological cycles and their effects on America

  • Learn how to anchor within and extend light during these challenging times

  • Practice centering and calming methods to shift from a feeling of fear to one of peace

  • Experience a Soul guided journey to create a positive vision for our collective spiritual future

David Birr has facilitated weekly soul growth groups for 50 years and has studied and researched the seven rays for three decades. He has taught courses and presented lectures on the esoteric psychology of the seven rays and related topics including dreams, esoteric astrology, intuition, karma, meditation, numerology, reincarnation, relationships, soul growth, and spiritual healing. He is also an environmental engineer.

Susan Wisehart, MS, LMFT, CHt, has been in private practice as a holistic psychotherapist, licensed marriage and family therapist, and certified hypnotherapist for more than 30 years. She is the author of Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future. For more information, visit

Program Format

This is a live, interactive online program that will also be recorded. Our goal is to send the recording to you within two business days, often sooner. The recording will be available for on-demand viewing for two weeks following the program date.

TS Members: $40 Nonmembers: $45

Click HERE to register

For further information, check out or email

Soul and Personality Ray Analysis for Spiritual Growth: A Two-Part Class

Sponsored by Theosophical Society on Zoom

Dave Birr

Saturday, July 27, 2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Personality Ray Exploration

Saturday, August 3, 2024, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Soul Ray Observations

Scroll down to register

Workshop Description:

The primary purpose of spiritual growth is deeper awareness and expression of our soul being. Shifting our perspective from personality to soul identification requires focusing on our inner essence, purpose and values.  Over two sessions, we will use a variety of methods to explore personality and soul rays and the value of this self-knowledge. You will learn to cultivate your intuitive sensitivity to ray energy and explore the opportunities it provides for spiritual growth.        

Registrants will be emailed a full packet of resources for self-assessment prior to the webinar: questionnaires, readings, charts, examples, and bibliography. You will obtain the maximum benefit from this webinar by participating in it live which will allow you to ask questions about your personal ray analysis.

In this class you will discover:

  • How to discern the difference between the soul and personality rays.

  • Learn about the Seven Ray Qualities of Energy Types

  • Self-observation, interviews, role playing, meditation and other clues to your rays

  • Blending the Personality and Soul Rays for Spiritual Service

  • Ray Visibility based on Your Point in Spiritual Evolution


David Birr has facilitated weekly soul growth groups for 50 years and has studied and researched the seven rays for three decades. He has taught courses and presented lectures on the esoteric psychology of the seven rays and related topics including dreams, esoteric astrology, intuition, karma, meditation, numerology, reincarnation, relationships, soul growth, and spiritual healing.

Program Format

This is a live, interactive online program that will also be recorded. Registrants will receive on-demand access to recording(s) that can be viewed for two weeks following the conclusion of the program. Late registrants will receive recording links to all missed sessions.

TS Members: $60 Nonmembers: $75 Early Bird discount for the first 15 registrations: $55

Click HERE to register.

Join online via ​a Zoom link that will be emailed upon your registration. For further information, check out or email:

Past Life Regression & Personal Destiny Gift

Dave Birr and Susan Wisehart, MS, LMFT, CHt

Sponsored by Infinity Foundation on Zoom

2-step registration, scroll down for details

Course is recorded, replay link will be sent to you

3 CEUs available

Workshop description:

Destiny is the result of your choice to follow or not follow your soul guidance. You have a core life lesson that, once learned, shows you the destiny gift you chose for this incarnation. 

Your soul’s primary lesson and its corresponding gift can be illuminated using the five elements in the Chinese medicine system (fire, water, earth, wood, metal). The five elements are based on your birth date. Within the elements you have three aspects: 

  1. Your basic personality 

  2. Your unconscious defenses 

  3. Your core soul lesson/destiny gift 

David Birr reveals key insights pertaining to your third aspect—the most important clause of your soul’s contract for this lifetime. For example, anxiety can become compassion and empathy.

A group past life regression by Susan Wisehart leads you to experience a lifetime where you fulfilled your soul purpose and expressed your unique destiny gift. 

To get your personal destiny gift, registration includes 2 steps:

1. REGISTER with Infinity Foundation-Click Here

Infinity Foundation will send you a Zoom link prior to the workshop.

2. SEND YOUR NAME AND BIRTHDATE (DAY, MONTH, AND YEAR) to (Use the Message box in the Contact Susan form) no later than 48 hours before the workshop. Your destiny gift will be explained at the workshop.

Sunday, March 17, 2024 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

Sponsored by Infinity Foundation on Zoom

2-step registration, scroll down for details


Susan Wisehart Presenting at

Chicago IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies)

Topic: Life-Between-Lives

Saturday, October 14, 2023, 2:00-4:00 PM

Online Only-Presentation on Zoom

Recording is now available on YouTube

Fee: $20 Suggested Donation (Not-For-Profit 501c3)

Susan will be discussing Dr. Michael Newton’s regression hypnosis research that mapped the spirit world based on over 7000 people who remembered the afterlife before incarnating again. She will present case studies from Dr. Michael Newton’s books, “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny of Souls” and her own book “Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future.” An explanation of the different aspects of the between-lives state will be provided, including primary and secondary Soul groups, spirit guides, council of elders pre-birth planning, and Soul lessons.

Past Life Regression Training for Mental Health Professionals with Susan Wisehart

Friday, Aug 25, 2023, 6:45-9:00 pm
Saturday, Aug 26, 2023, 9:30-4:30 pm
Sunday, Aug 27, 2023, 9:30-4:30 pm 

Location: Infinity Foundation 1280 Old Skokie Road Highland Park, IL 60035

Cost: $550/499 payment 10 days in advance

14 CEUs available
Training only in person
Course Number 232153; 847-831-8828

There is an explosive interest in regression therapy and spiritual psychotherapy. Expand the scope of your practice to provide your clients with additional support.  Past life regression therapy is often useful when conventional therapy, which emphasizes experiences in this life, does not work. Sometimes the root of the problem or issue is in a past life. As the soul returns to life, traumatic memories are re-created in your current life often making little sense. It is brought to your conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, nightmares, and unexplainable physical pain. Past life hypnotic regression allows you to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life to bring about a healing of the past life memories that resonate into your present life. Through regression techniques, new insights and healing around these unresolved symptoms may be accomplished. Whether one sees past lives as real or as metaphorical, profound transformation can occur in mind, body, and spirit.

The training includes a manual, lecture, demonstrations, and practice in conducting spiritual regressions, philosophy and ethics, informed consent, and legal considerations. Find out how to screen or interview the client to determine appropriate issue(s) for the regression. Practice hypnotic inductions as well as deepening and bridging methods. Review a past life for significant events, people, and themes. Work through a past life death experience. Connect with spiritual resources and the Higher Self to guide healing.

1. Use healing interventions, such as rescripting, reframing forgiveness, dialoguing, and future pacing
2. Explore past life lessons and missions
3. Integrate past life experiences with current life situations
4. Practice sessions to facilitate and receive past life regressions.

The training is limited to licensed/certified mental health professionals, such as social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, or pastoral counselors. A certificate of completion will be given at the end of the training. Recommended reading: Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future by Susan Wisehart.