Life Between Lives Regression
[Please note that before you experience a Life Between Lives (LBL) session, it is recommended that you schedule a 2 hour past life regression session with Susan. Most people need some experience in altered states before doing the longer LBL session. This gives you practice with hypnosis and increases the probability that you will successfully be able to experience the "between state."]
Susan specializes in and is certified with The Newton Institute to do Life Between Lives regressions. She was trained by Dr. Michael Newton, author of "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls" in 2001 and was an assistant trainer in 2002 and 2009 (The Newton Institute).
Refer to her book "Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future”, for some remarkable case studies based on many years of working with thousands of clients in past life and life-between-lives hypnotherapy. It includes long term follow up interviews of the benefits received from Past Life and Life Between Lives hypnotherapy. Susan is also a contributing author to Michael Newton's book "Memories of the Afterlife". (Both published by Llewellyn Worldwide).
Life Between Lives regression (LBL) is an amazing and potentially life-altering experience in which you access the superconscious state with deep hypnosis to remember what happens in between incarnations in the spirit realm. Although some common experiences after death are a meeting with your Soul group, spirit guides and council of elders, it is an individualized Soul-guided journey. You will experience whatever it is you need at this time. The meeting with the council of elders is a compassionate and unconditionally loving review of your most immediate past life and your current life to better understand Soul lessons, life purpose, and healing of repeating karmic patterns. The meeting with your Soul group assists in understanding the role that different people play in your life, such as Soul mates.
The LBL journey can be a life-altering experience in assisting you to remember your true spiritual nature. Most people report profound life transforming insights and experiences from this higher Soul perspective. It is a deep and sacred honor to facilitate these journeys.
The process lasts for an average of 3½ hours and is recorded for you.
Benefits of LBL
Many people overcome their fear of death
Discover life purpose and Soul lessons for this life
Why we chose certain relationships and family members
Deepens the connection with your Soul, your spiritual "helpers/guides" and teachers.
Receive assistance in answering age-old questions such as "Who am I? "Why am I here?" and "Where do I come from?"
Preparing for the LBL Session
Write down a list of 6 to 8 people in your current life from your past and present. This "cast of characters" should be the people who are important to you -- family members, friends, co-workers, teachers, mentors, lovers, spouses and children. Include anyone who has helped to shape your life, positively or negatively, in a significant manner. List their first name, their relationship to you, some information about how you feel about that person, and a few brief words that describe their personality. These are the people who have had the most impact on your life.
Create a brief list of questions that you would like to have answered during the Life Between Lives session and to ask your Council of Wise Elders
Avoid caffeine as much as possible on the day of your session. Stimulants can interfere with deep relaxation. However, if you get a headache without caffeine, do have a limited amount.
Get a good night's rest before you come in so you won't fall asleep during the session.
Try to not eat for at least an hour before your appointment, but do eat something so you will not be overly hungry.
The session runs an average of 3½ hours.
If you have an iPhone you may record the session using the Voice Memos app or I can record the session and email the audio recording to you. Make sure your iPhone is fully charged before the session.
Remember to trust your Higher Self to guide you where you need to go for your spiritual growth and development. I look forward to working with you.
Fee is $390 for a 3-1/2 hour life between lives regression. Fourteen days notice is required to cancel the appointment. This is an in-person process only.