Soul Visioning Book Endorsements
Susan Wisehart's book, Soul Visioning, is an expansive and comprehensive manual that will help you understand your soul's purpose. This beautiful and practical book is filled with wisdom and includes techniques and exercises for accessing your own deeper states of self-awareness and inner clarity. Wonderful case histories and clinical vignettes powerfully illustrate the soul lessons. I highly recommend this book."
Brian L. Weiss, M.D., author of Many Lives, Many Masters
"This book helped me clarify my spiritual values, let go of dysfunctional patterns, and release the limiting belief that embracing my soul’s mission of working with past life trauma is not safe. I realize now that the only truly safe place is in the center of one’s reason for incarnating! Susan Wisehart is a gem, both a gifted therapist and an excellent writer. Her last name reflects the truth that she has a very wise heart!"
Barbara Stone, PhD, LISW, DCEP, ACEP Certification Trainer and author of Invisible Roots: How Healing Past Life Trauma Can Liberate Your Present. Book reviewer for Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology FULL REVIEW
"As the world awakens to a new era of choosing between the old and the new, between what was and what will be, and between faith and knowing, individuals are urgently seeking guidance for how to deepen and unify their inner lives. Susan Wisehart in her book, Soul Visioning, offers this guidance in the spirit of service and as an extension of wisdom gained from her life, purposely and genuinely lived."
Susan S. Trout, PhD
Executive Director of the Institute for Advancement of Service, Alexandria, VA - Author of The Soul and Service Trilogy
"In this book, Susan gives us inspiring true-life stories and practical, leading-edge strategies that teach you how to change unconscious limiting beliefs and create a joyous, Soul guided life."
Debbie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of Why Good People Do Bad Things: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy
"Soul Visioning is a breakthrough book in connecting with your most authentic and empowered Self. It leads you out of your own way and frees your Spirit to live an authentic life. This is a Divinely inspired gift of a book for those who are ready to be happy."
Sonia Choquette, author of Trust Your Vibes and Your Heart’s Desire: Creating The Life You Really Want?
"I want to offer my congratulations to your new book that I'm sure will be very successful. Our message is getting out there in so many ways and your work is an important contribution to the knowledge the public needs to know."
Michael Newton, PhD
Author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls
"Susan's book is excellent. It's well written, comprehensive, and is a practical guide in healing the soul. I especially appreciate the exercises and techniques she presents that anyone can use for their own healing and growth. I feel that I learned more about myself from reading Susan's book."
Carol Bowman
Author of Children's Past Lives (Amazon.com review)
"Soul Visioning is a gem of a book, filled with hope and inspiration on how to experience the deepest, richest parts of ourselves. This book can transform your life and is a must read for everyone."
Dr. Eileen Borris, Clinical Psychologist, author of Finding Forgiveness (foreword by the Dali Lama). Past president, The Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence for the American Psychological Association.
"Soul Visioning takes you beyond the usual bounds of therapy. This book will help you to access spiritual strengths that not only facilitate releases of limiting patterns, but also deepens your connection with your Higher Self to enrich your life."
Daniel J. Benor, MD, author of 7 Minutes to Natural Pain Release
I so love your book Susan. You have given us such a gift with this work. It is thorough, encouraging, intelligent, and wonderfully approachable. Great job!!!!
Catherine Bradford, Host, Contact Radio
The Wellness Roadshow: Searching for Whole Being
I just finished your book and it is a treasure. I personally wanted to thank you for sharing it with the world. So many people will benefit from your wisdom.
Blessings always, Sharon Cohen
Soul Visioning is a clearly written and highly useful guide to navigating the journey to soul consciousness. With the scope of a veteran psychologist and the depth of a spiritual mentor, Susan offers seven transformational steps to connecting with your soul's vision. The insightful discussion of both personality and soul, along with very effective methods for removing obstacles to soul consciousness, offers guidance that is as practical as it is profound. I highly recommend this powerful book.
Many blessings, Therese
"[A] well-lit path in a field littered with misleading signage."
Dr. Barbara Wolf Terao
Association for Humanistic Psychology's Perspective
I read your book and I LOVE IT. What I love about your book is that is so comprehensive. It pulls ALL THE PIECES together for folks in SUCH a clear way. Your counseling experience SHINES forth, so the reader always feels safe even though for some folks, this is probably very very new information.
It's a tremendous book, and so helpful. I also love that it accessible. Even the mainstream, non-new age or spiritual seeker can "get it" and benefit from it. It's a very big gift to the world.
Sara Wiseman
Author of Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth and Healing
"It's wonderful to find a book that explains clearly, scientifically and compassionately how to understand the long journey we have each undertaken. It is one thing to know your craft well - and another altogether to be able to relay it simply and helpfully to others. Susan Wisehart is not only an excellent therapist - she is also an outstanding communicator. An excellent book for anyone looking for help in understanding how they have become who they are today - a trip that takes each of us through time and space and lifetime after lifetime. A good read and a good lesson...the free downloads are a great addition."
Atala Dorothy Toy
President, Crystal Life Technology and author of We Are Not Alone: A Guidebook for Interdimensional Cooperation.