In Memory of Dr. Ken Wapnick, Friend/Mentor

I am dedicating this blog entry to my long time spiritual teacher, friend and mentor Dr. Ken Wapnick who made his transition at age 71 on Friday, December 27 from a lung tumor. Many considered him the premier teacher of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) which is a psycho-spiritual self study system based on forgiveness in relationships. I studied with him for many years attending his classes in New York for psychotherapists who wanted to understand and integrate the psycho-spiritual principles of ACIM into their practices.I had the privilege of being able to work with him individually before his schedule became so busy. He truly helped to keep me on track during the early years of my spiritual path. When I would get discouraged that I felt I was making slow progress or making mistakes he would remind me of a quote in ACIM that says "Your job is not to be without an ego, but to forgive yourself for having one." "Mistakes call for correction, not condemnation."My husband Dave and I feel fortunate that we had a chance to have dinner with Ken his wife Gloria in Temecula, California last year near his center called the Foundation for ACIM. I shared with him my ideas for my second book and he was quite encouraging just as he was so positive about my first book Soul Visioning. I feel that he will continue to help many of us who seek his assistance from the other side.Thank you Ken for your uncompromising dedication to helping us to remember our true identity as a Soul and our oneness with the Divine and each other.A Course in Miracles Workshop in the New Year?If any one might be interested in learning more about A Course in Miracles through an introductory workshop, send me an email indicating your interest at If there is enough interest we will offer it sometime in 2014.It is a wonderful new year's resolution to rededicate your efforts to your spiritual growth. There are many paths to awakening to our spiritual identity and the Course claims to be only one path. However, it does offer to save us a thousand years because it systematically undoes the root cause of the belief in our separation from Source from which all problems stem.


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