Happy New Year!

One of the busiest times of the year for my private practice is around the holidays because people are stresed out with too many high expectations, shopping, traffic and mostly dealing with issues around family dynamics that come up.  Many times the old unresolved dysfunctional patterns of the past resurface and cause conflict.  I often counsel people on how to manage stress and practice forgiveness of self and others.  There are many tools in my book Soul Visioning: Clear the Past, Create Your Future which can assist in reducing anxiety and letting go of the old baggage, such as the WHEE technique which is a simple bilateral tapping process to help center yourself.  The chapter on Soul forgiveness also provides strategies and a powerful guided meditation for unloading your trunk of junk.
The new year ahead is a great opportunity to refocus your efforts on being kind to yourself and others...to get unstuck and clear the unconscious barriers to moving forward with your life purpose.  
We are offering several great workshops and lectures that teach how to create a Soul guided life of passion and purpose.  Go to www.susanwisehart.com and click on "Workshops/Events" for further information.
I also do individual sessions in past life, life between lives, Soul Visioning, holistic hypnotherapy, Energy Psychology, Holographic Memory Resolution, EFT, EMDR and other modalities. 
I extend my heartfelt good wishes for the upcoming year to all of you. 
PS: Stay tuned for upcoming teleconferences to support you in your Soul Visioning journey!

"Soul Visioning" is translated into French!


Michael Newton's New Book "Memories of the Afterlife"